Time Chart

Still Image Gallery  Gallery #1  An assortment of various images taken prior to 2005. Still Image Gallery  Gallery #2  Wales and England, April 2005 Still Image Gallery  Gallery #3  Gabriola Island, B.C., August 2005 Still Image Gallery  Gallery #4  Finally, a CCD Astro-images gallery Still Image Gallery  Gallery #5  Peru, November/December 2005 Slide show with […]

Still Image Gallery  Gallery #1  An assortment of various images taken prior to 2005.
Still Image Gallery  Gallery #2  Wales and England, April 2005
Still Image Gallery  Gallery #3  Gabriola Island, B.C., August 2005
Still Image Gallery  Gallery #4  Finally, a CCD Astro-images gallery
Still Image Gallery  Gallery #5  Peru, November/December 2005
Slide show with music  Peru slide show  A trip to Peru, November/December 2005
Still Image Gallery  Gallery #6  Egypt and Total Eclipse gallery, April 2006
Slide show with music  Egypt slide show  Egypt and Total Eclipse, March 2006
Slide show with music  Starfest 25 slide show  The NYAA presents Starfest annually in August, one of the largest starparties in North America. In 2006 we celbrated our 25th anniversary, and here is a slide show retrospective.
Still Image Gallery  B.C. Gallery ’06  Gabriola and Hornby Islands, September 2006
Slide show with music  Barbara’s Garden  Gabriola Island, B.C. Sept 3, 2006
Slide show with music  Flight Over Canada  Take off from YVR, fly over city, smoke from forest fires south of border visible below, the terminator approchaed as we fly towards the night sky, Capella in Cephus is the bright star…note the thunderstorm sequence at the end over Bruce County. Sept 5th ’06
Slide show with music  Arizona  November, 2006
Slide show with music  Mercury Transit and Sunset time lapse sequence of images.  November 8th, 2006
Still Image Gallery  Comet McNaught  January 10th, 2007 5:35pm at 35,000 feet
Still Image Gallery  Barret Jackson  Pheonix Arizona, Jan 18-21 2007